Let Teachers SHINE returns…

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In 2012, SHINE and TES launched Let Teachers SHINE – a national competition to find some of the country’s most innovative teachers. It was such a huge success that we hold the contest every year.  

Let Teachers SHINE logo resizedIn this, our third year, we’ve resumed our search for brilliantly fresh ways to raise attainment in English, maths or science. Tell your favourite teacher – who knows, it could be third year lucky…

Once again, Let Teachers SHINE is free to enter and open to any teacher working in England. Up to 10 winning projects will be chosen by a panel of judges from SHINE, TES and our corporate supporters: Bloomberg, Capita SIMS and Teachers Assurance.

What are we looking for?

We’re deliberately not saying. Successful ideas could cover teaching resources, tes_inline_logo resizedapproaches, techniques and/or programmes. They might help whole classes, small groups, or individuals. Some might use technology; some might not. We’re agnostic and want to see whatever comes in.

However, the eventual winners will all have clear objectives; sensible and transparent budgets; and the potential for future expansion. Most importantly, they must be innovative and they must target disadvantaged children. You can download our FAQs here.

How it works

The closing date for applications is Sunday 27th April 2014. Shortlisted teachers Capita SIMS logo resizedwill be asked to come to London to discuss their proposal in more detail with our judges, who will then choose up to 10 winning projects. Each one will receive up to £15,000 from SHINE, making a total potential prize pot of £150,000. You can download an application form here.

The money will fund a year-long pilot programme. This will enable you to show us that your idea successfully delivers measurable and meaningful improvements in your students’ attainment in literacy, numeracy and/or science.

What happens then?

The purpose of Let Teachers SHINE is to dig out some fresh teaching approaches that teachers assurance logo resizedwork so well in practice that we continue funding them in future years.

To that end, we’ve teamed up with The Esmée Fairbairn Foundation. Come summer 2015, we will review the progress of all 10 winners; the most successful will be considered for continued funding to allow them to expand and develop in the years ahead. So far, three projects from the 2012 competition have received extended funding – you can read about them here.

esmee-fairbairn-foundation logo reformattedOf course, for any of this to happen we need people to apply so, if you’re a teacher, now’s the chance to get your brilliant idea recognised, rewarded and put into practice. And if you know a great teacher, please spread the word – you can download our flyer here.

Good luck!