Our very own Let Teachers SHINE winner, Colin Hegarty, has made it to the top 10 finalists for the prestigious Global Teacher Prize! Colin has been nominated for his outstanding work in children’s maths education, both inside the classroom, and out of it.
Colin has been shortlisted from thousands of nominations and applications from 148 countries around the world. The top 10 finalists are highlighting the importance of teaching through their exceptional work within it. Colin is the creator of HegartyMaths, which aims to provide every child learner with free access to world-class maths teaching, no matter what their background or home circumstance. The winner will be announced at the Global Education and Skills Forum in Dubai in March 2016.
The announcement of the top 10 finalists was made this morning.
Colin was one of the winners of Let Teachers SHINE in 2012, helping to expand his project. You can find out more about this years Let Teachers SHINE competition here.