Are you looking to support students to make rapid and sustained progress in maths? How about an opportunity for older students to develop enhanced leadership responsibilities within school? Well with a Student Leaders project running in your school, you can do just that.
Student Leaders is a weekly programme targeting children across years seven to nine. Older students, facilitated by Higher Level Teaching Assistants (HLTAs), provide a unique peer learning experience to build the children’s confidence and remove barriers to progress.
So far, more than 200 students have benefitted from Student Leaders across three schools. The results were excellent across the board, with an average progress rate of 2.5 sublevels, and 78% making two or more sublevels of progress. Across three schools, the pupils taking part in Student Leaders as part of their SHINE programme were compared with a matching profile of pupils who were not. In all three schools the SHINE cohort made significantly better progress, whilst also enhancing the development of social and communication skills.
“Peer tutoring is by far the most effective intervention identified by the Education Endowment Foundation. There is a very considerable body of evidence supporting its effectiveness, both for improved attainment and, to a lesser extent, for other positive outcomes. It provides a highly effective method for supporting learning at relatively little cost.”
— Colebrooke Centre for Evidence and Implementation, October 2014
SHINE is looking to fund four schools in deprived areas of Manchester to run Student Leaders, with up to £60,000 to invest between them.
If your school is interested in this opportunity, please email with a maximum of three paragraphs about your school and why you are interested in applying. For more information you can view this Student Leaders pack.