The Big Give Christmas Challenge

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The Big Give Christmas Challenge is still open! The challenge has been extended until Tuesday 6th December so there’s still time to give and have your donation doubled!

We’re excited to be part of this great online challenge, that helps your donations go further – twice as far in fact! – and would love for every one of our supporters to get involved to help us make your impact really count.

The Challenge

The Big Give Christmas Challenge helps charities double the donations given to them, with no cost to their supporters.

How it works – simply give to SHINE through the Big Give website, and they will double your donation! Easy right?

Here’s the challenge, you have four days to do it! Your donations will be matched via the Big Give website from now until midday on Tuesday 6th December. During this time you can visit and donate to SHINE to see your gift matched by the Big Give Christmas pot!

The Project

You’ll be supporting SHINE on Saturday projects in Edmonton. SHINE on Saturday is a unique programme that gives Teachers the resources to provide extra support for the children who need it most. Each programme benefits around 60 children and gives them access to educational experiences they wouldn’t otherwise have had.

As result of SHINE on Saturday, two thirds of the students in our partner schools in Edmonton have made accelerated progress in English and maths. Edmonton is just one of the areas in which SHINE on Saturday is working wonders in children’s education, and we’re sincerely grateful to all of the SHINE project staff and Teachers that run it with great enthusiasm and passion. A report by the National Foundation for Educational Research highlighted that SHINE on Saturday is having a positive impact, not only on SHINE on Saturday students’ learning and social skills, but is also impacting the lives of the teaching staff, their school, and the wider community.

We want your help through the Big Give Christmas Challenge to support the project as it continues to inspire children’s imagination, and change their attitudes towards school, so that they can reach their full potential both in the classroom, and beyond it.

Remember every penny you give during the Christmas challenge will be doubled.

So join SHINE before Tuesday as we tackle the Big Give Christmas Challenge!

Thank you for making a difference.