Student Jake plans 12-hour broadcasting marathon to raise funds for disadvantaged children

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A university student is planning a marathon radio broadcast to raise funds for disadvantaged children in the North of England.

Jake Moran, a 21-year-old BA International Relations student at The University of Leeds, was determined to do something to help children who have once again been forced to learn from home because of lockdown restrictions.

Knowing that many households don’t have sufficient internet access, or access to computers, made me feel like I wanted to do at least something to support the kids who will be left behind most by another lockdown.

Jake Moran Student, The University of Leeds

“Seeing the announcement of yet another nationwide lockdown last Monday was tough for everybody, but my thoughts were immediately with the millions of children and their teachers who were to unexpectedly find themselves back at home rather than in the classroom,” Jake said.

“Knowing that many households don’t have sufficient internet access, or access to computers, made me feel like I wanted to do at least something to support the kids who will be left behind most by another lockdown and the long-lasting effect this will have on their education.

“So, I decided to do a fundraiser to help support these kids.”

Jake spent some time researching the issue online and discovered SHINE.

“I read about the great work they were doing to support kids in disadvantaged areas in the North of England,” said Jake.

“Having decided to fundraise for the trust, I turned to my favourite hobby to do this: music.

“I have presented a number of shows on Leeds Student Radio (LSR) and came up with the twelve-hour challenge to gain sponsors for the fundraiser.

“I love music, I love hosting radio shows, and so this was the perfect way to get sponsors.

“Plus I know we all need cheering up and there’s no better way to cheer up than by putting on some good tunes and having a boogie.”

“This Friday, 15 January, from 7am to 7pm, I will be playing my favourite tunes as well as exclusive performances from some fantastic artists in aid of my fundraiser.

“I can’t wait to get on the airwaves and get stuck in!”

Anyone can tune in to listen to the music marathon via the LSR website, at

If you’d like to sponsor Jake, you can do so at