Story: Steven’s story

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Steven often finds school a difficult place to be. His mum and dad work long hours in minimum wage jobs, leaving them with little time to support Steven’s school work at home.

Steven showed a lot of promise at school when he was younger, but as the years have rolled on, he’s started falling behind, especially in maths, where he sometimes needs more support to understand the teacher’s explanations and where his parents most struggle to help. Each week, Steven invents an excuse not to do his maths homework, as he doesn’t want to draw attention to the difficulties he is experiencing.

HegartyMaths was designed by expert, passionate maths teachers for students who, just like Steven, need extra help to stay on track.

Rather than being set homework just to get on with, now that Steven has access to HegartyMaths, he can access expert tuition videos online to show him how the maths is done. Even better, his teacher then gets a detailed picture of how he’s getting on, and where he might still be struggling, so that she can target support more effectively for Steven in class.

The turnaround in Steven since he started using HegartyMaths is described by his teachers as ‘quite simply, amazing’.

Having always avoided talking with her in the past, Steven will now confidently approach his maths teacher, showing her his learning record in HegartyMaths and being rightly proud of his achievements on the programme. Steven’s grades have improved significantly and he now hopes to continue studying maths when he leaves school.