Make it clear
- Is it written in clear English, without technical jargon?
- Make sure any abbreviations or acronyms are clearly explained at least once and keep them to a minimum.
- Write your proposal with both people who have specific expertise in your field as well as those who have broader experience in mind.
- Structure the information in a way that makes sense.
- Avoid repetition.
The Let Teachers SHINE application form
SHINE’s application form is structured with specific boxes set out to answer questions within.
A4 – Budget: Think realistically about how much your project will cost in terms of time and money. If your application is successful, then we will ask you to provide a budget breakdown to present at interview. Don’t sell your idea short. For the project to be sustainable, it will need to be funded properly.
B1 – Project idea: It should clearly state what you’re going to do and why. On the interactive map on our website, there are some brief, high-level overviews of our projects that could give you inspiration.
D – You and your project: When describing the problem and solution to the problem, it’s important to make sure that these are clear and do link to each other. How is this a new approach? Has any other work been done or piloted by others, e.g. national bodies or associations? If so, include examples in your application. Have you done any piloting work, even on a small scale, that you can tell us about?
When you’re finished
- Get a second opinion. We recommend getting at least one person who knows nothing about your idea (or even education) to read your application. If they can clearly describe what you’re hoping to deliver and achieve, then you know your application is clearly written and easy to understand. Make sure you’ve given enough detail that we can understand what you’re proposing, how it will be delivered, and whether it is feasible.
- Check and check again. Re-read the criteria. Does the application clearly explain how it meets the criteria’s key requirements? Does the application make sense and flow? Are there any spelling or grammar issues? Are the answers to each section in the right place?
BEST OF LUCK! We look forward to reading your application.
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