Not knowing many people in the city, and with little knowledge of British education, Khadija tried her best to teach 3-year-old Hafsa with some resources she purchased herself, but it was a struggle.
Read Khadija’s storyIntro Block Alt
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Optional CTA ButtonLarge (Shouty) Text Block
You can't put rich format text in here, but the title and call to action button(s) (yes you can have more than one) are optional. You can also choose if the text aligns left or center.
The next block is the ‘Statistics’ Block.
You can choose one or more statistic to appear in a block.
The next block is the ‘Full Width Embed’ Block.
You can stick any kind of embed in here.
The next block is the ‘Full Width Map’ Block.
You can add a marker to show a point. The projects map shows all projects added to the projects list.
4 latest updates promo block
3 random stories block
Ali’s story
Despite her best efforts in school, Ali is behind age-related expectations in maths
Ali didn't enjoy maths, because she found it boring. "I never do maths at home," she said.
Read Ali’s storyLarge subhead with image block
Standard Text Block
Maecenas lorem purus, mattis et tempus quis, pretium lacinia nunc. Donec aliquam enim lacus, eu fermentum ligula porta sed. Duis sed felis sit amet nisl lacinia finibus eget vel sem. Suspendisse consectetur nibh risus, sed vehicula dui maximus vitae. Mauris fringilla, odio vel tincidunt tincidunt, magna eros lobortis velit, vitae imperdiet dolor mi quis leo. Cras volutpat leo ante, id pharetra erat tristique consectetur. Sed egestas malesuada diam quis suscipit. Nunc iaculis ex vitae odio tristique, nec efficitur diam vestibulum. Mauris ultricies ligula at vulputate tincidunt. Nullam interdum vitae eros a feugiat. Aliquam purus enim, congue vel tristique quis, tempus id enim. Sed vitae malesuada nunc. Pellentesque mollis, erat ut lobortis malesuada, libero libero euismod nunc, et mollis ante elit at lectus. Nam ultricies scelerisque lacus iaculis tristique. Sed efficitur nulla at orci pellentesque elementum.
Call to action block
Funding Priority One
Introduction text Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis congue dignissim justo non porttitor. Quisque consectetur vulputate neque a eleifend. Donec sit amet vestibulum mi, ac dignissim ex.
You can break each priority into sub areas
With some text pellentesque in turpis fringilla tortor tempor maximus in at libero. In ultricies tellus velit, non eleifend erat ullamcorper at. Aenean eu semper tellus, malesuada pulvinar mi. Praesent eu odio sed tellus porta posuere at nec risus. Aliquam a urna arcu. Pellentesque laoreet sit amet tortor ac consectetur. Duis vitae odio diam. Phasellus sed neque in erat mattis tempus sed et elit.
Case studies:
This is a standard text block.
What follows shows all the different types of side bar that are possible on a text block. Each type of sidebar can be aligned left or right to the page.