Case study: Revise Chemistry with Mr B.

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Only 45% of disadvantaged students pass GCSE science, compared to 71% of their wealthier peers.

One reason for this divide is that students from low-income backgrounds are far less likely to access private tuition.

Manchester chemistry teacher Jon Blackbourn, from Fairfield High School for Girls, wanted to offer resources to students that they could access for free outside the classroom.

He received funding from SHINE, through Let Teachers SHINE, to develop Revise Chemistry With Mr B – an online resource which involves regular lessons created specifically for social channels YouTube and TikTok.

The videos have proved popular with students, and have been viewed more than a million times on TikTok alone.

Research shows that video lessons are effective as students can learn at their own pace and replay parts they don’t understand.

And combining classroom teaching with video learning can boost a student’s results by a full grade.

Jon hopes to continue expanding the quality and reach of his lessons, with the hope that they will help and inspire young people to go on and pursue a science-based career.